I'm going to talk to you today about Saturday Night Live. I recently purchased the first season of SNL and have been very happy with my decision. It was either buy that or spend my entire paycheck and get all 16 seasons of Friends. I decided that SNL was cheaper and much funnier.
Second, John Belushi, what the hell happened to y..... I'm sorry. Too soon? He, by far, is my favorite comedian on the first season. I might be bias because I am a huge fan of Animal House, but his delivery was amazing.
The only thing I have noticed that has changed from the old to new, is the lack of comedians in the show. Thats not a rip, I mean ACTUAL comedians doing stand up in the show. Its much like when Leno's musical guest is too drunk to get to the stage or can't make it that night. On SNL, they actually slotted for comedians like Andy Kaufman to perform "Mighty Mouse" or "Old McDonald had a Farm." With the amount of comedians today, don't you think that the show would be awesome with someone like Zach Galifianakis doing standup? I know I would love it.
If today's show was like the 1970's version. We would have comedians doing stand up on the show, the muppets would do a segment (yea Jim Henson Muppets), more sexual language, and more fake commercials and videos. Who else likes "I jizzed in my pants?" More of that please.....
So SNL here is a nickel's worth of free advice. Produce more content outside the studio. Make crazy commercials that are funny. Oh one last thing, make sure one of the cast dies of a drug overdose. That always helps ratings.
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