I woke up at 6am, got a shower, and headed to the local ultra sound location. Myself and two other individuals were up and waiting to be "looked into."
After 60 pages of medical paperwork saying that this thing "will not kill me," I was led back to a dimly lit room. The nurse was hot, so I said what any hot blooded American male would. "If you could do me a favor and not tell me the sex of my baby, that would be appreciated." She, of course, had heard the joke before and slapped me. Not really, but she did lay be down on a table and put some really warm gel on my stomach. She then proceeded to tickle me with a magic wand like device that was able to see inside my soul. She said soul, so I went with it.
In conclusion, I am not having a baby like my mother would like, but I will find out the results of my liver scan on Monday.
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