J.J. here with a blog you are going to love.
Many of you know who Einstein was. Albert Einstein, of course, has been called the smartest man ever to have lived. I would have to agree to some extent.
His theories like Special Relativity (E=mc2), Photons and Wormholes have been the topic of many sci-fi movies and discusses of nerds all over the world. Its very interesting that his scientific research is all they know of this amazing man.
Let me tell you about Einstein in a different manner. Did you know that he had a child out of wedlock in 1902? People are uncertain of her fate after 1903. Was she put up for adoption? Did Einstein kill her in a fit of passion and dump her in a river? We don't know!
In 1903, he married his FIRST wife. He was so miserable with her that he set her down one day and proposed a bet. "I am very confident that I am going to win a Nobel Prize. With this said, if you divorce me, I will give you the money that I receive with the prize." I am not telling you a lie, this actually happened. Some might say that his ego was the size of a red giant. (pushing up glasses)
The last thing that makes him AndrewandJJ.com's Man of the Year (which I don't agree with this completely) is his marriage to his cousin. Yea, his cousin.
In conclusion, Einstein was a brilliant man. A man that has caused all humanity to look at space and science differently. A man that has indirectly caused my favorite movie Back to the Future to be made and lastly, a man that married his cousin and possibly killed his first child.
1 comment:
don't make him a bad person
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