J.J. here!
What I love is when you get a voice mail with information left in a message. For example, Bobby calls me and asks "What are you doing tomorrow night?" I, in turn call him back, and tell him, "Nothing with you, I don't hang out with 'your kind.'"
Now many people (and I am guilty of this as well) leave a message that just says,"Hey This is _________, call me when you get a chance." In most circumstances, this common practice is unnecessary. If you see that you have a missed call in your "missed calls" section of your phone, you should just have the common sense to call the person back when you get a chance. A message is not really needed.
Secondly, I received something the other day that was a first for me. A "Call Me" message in my EMAIL! What the fuck? How about you write out what you want to say? If I deem it necessary to respond to you by phone, I will. Otherwise, I will reply to your EMAIL. The best part about writing a "Call Me" email is that the energy used in writing the email could have been used to press 9 to 10 little keys on a TELEPHONE and got me directly. But alas, I'm sure they would have gotten my voice mail and then left a "Call Me" voice mail...
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