Swine Flu! There I said it. Pigs living with humans MASS HYSTERIA! So the President almost got it apparently, or thats what the press was telling us. What they said exactly was "An Assistant at the White House had not been feeling well and had a slight temperature." REALLY? Come on. Give me a simple task like walking to the other side of the office and my temperature will go up. If you are lucky, I might even sweat a little. For God Sake, he didn't even have contact with the President.
Leave the news to:
A) A-Rod's possible steroid addiction
B) How Earthquakes in Southern California might kill us
C) President Bush is out of office, what is he doing with his
spare time?
I know that it might sound like I don't care about the swine flu killing me....its because I don't care. I look at it this way, I wash my hands after I use the restroom and I take a shower every day. I eat some what okay, and I don't drink myself stupid too much in one week. If God, wants to take me out with a killer swine flu mutation, then so be it. I would be willing to go out by choking on a large chocolate shake.....because they are delicious.
What I am really saying is, don't be scared over something that you can't control. You can't control if you get the swine flu. You can only do the small things to put yourself at a lower risk. Thats it! So stop listening to the people on the news that are frightening you and go eat an orange....or better yet, don't. You might get the orange flu. I hear its a real bitch this time of year.
Don't listen to me, my name is J.J. I could be wrong.
Paul gives us his two sense on the economy. President Obama...listen to him! Also, Andrew's plans to kill himself.
Check out the British Film Festival May 3rd - 8th.
A and J continue our discussion with Paul about Fun Box Comedy and watch a very weird 80's video.
Check out the British Film Festival May 3rd - 8th.
Paul talks about Fun Box Comedy and their current projects.
Check out the British Film Festival May 3rd - 8th.
*Side Note*
Many of you have shown concern about our iTunes feed not being up-to-date. Frankly, iTunes isn't doing the greatest. Its acting very buggy. I have found that if you say "get all" on the list of Podcasts within the itunes store list, the new shows WILL pop up and begin downloading. Its very strange, but I think I have figured out how you can still get us "live all week long." Bare with iTunes and keep listening!
I love you all
I love you all
Paul Malewitz's first day with A and J talking about magic, grilled cheese, and head x-rays.
Check out the British Film Festival May 3rd - 8th.
The People Wanna Know
As Internet celebrities, J.J. and I are often asked ridiculous questions by fans, the press, our parents, police officers, members of the clergy, and so on. While we do our best to respond to every email, phone call and strange inquiry, it can be a bit taxing at times. That said, we thought it would be a good idea to clear up the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
What made you decide to start a podcast?
We realized our conversations were humorous, and thought it would be a good thing for the children of the world to be able to hear them on a daily basis. It branched out from there and now it's going too fast to stop it or jump off, so we're stuck doing this stupid thing until one of us dies.
Do you fight as much in real life as you do on the show?
We disagree on pretty much everything except the music of AC/DC and the awesomeness that is sushi.
How much of the show is real and how much is made up for our entertainment?
You think we would lie to you? Why would you even say that? Okay, some of it is made up, but for the most part it's the real deal. Sadly, the way we talk on the show is the way we talk in real life. That includes the stupid subject matter and the witty banter. What can we say? We're naturals.
What's your biggest fear in life?
Andrew - Being without J.J.
J.J. - Never finding true love.
Andrew - Are you saying you haven't found true love?
J.J. - Maybe.
Andrew - What...what about me?
J.J. - What about you?
Andrew - Forget it. Never mind.
J.J. - Are you mad now?
Andrew - If you don't know I'm not going to tell you.
J.J. - You sound like a woman.
Andrew - You're sleeping on the sofa tonight.
Who is Hobbes and why is his bell always in the background?
Hobbes is our executive producer. The bell is his cell phone, which is constantly ringing. He pretty much runs the whole show. He wanted to be included in the Q&A but he's in New York meeting with his book agent at the moment. Howard Stern wanted to get him for his show, but Hobbes' fee was too high. The only reason we got him is he was on board with the concept of the show from day one and he brought in a lot of great contacts and industry experience. Also we give him tuna.
Have you guys ever had stalkers like Britney Spears?
No, Britney Spears has never stalked us. J.J. almost hung out in her bed once though. True story.
How do you come up with ideas for the podcast?
Los Angeles offers enough to talk about without every having to branch out, so we never run out of ideas. If we don't have anything solid to discuss, we'll just wing it and have a discussion about nothing. For some reason, winging it seems to produce the best results, much to the dismay of Hobbes.
Can I submit an idea for your show?
Are you saying you don't think we can handle this on our own? Because we can. We've got it covered. If we wanted your advice, we'd ask for it. If you think you're so full of good ideas, why don't you go start your own podcast and leave us alone? OR you can send us an email and we'll seriously consider it before overwhelmingly rejecting it.
Can I be a guest on your show?
I will answer your question with a question. Are you hot? If the answer is "absolutely!" then yes, of course you can be a guest. If the answer is "I'd have lots of interesting things to talk about," then you are not hot and therefore we don't have the space for you at this time. If the answer is "I'm beautiful on the inside" or "my mother thinks I'm hot" or "what difference does that make?" then you're barking up the wrong tree, and you're barking because you are clearly a dog.
Who performs the theme song for the show?
That's J.J.'s roommate, Brandon. He's white.
Will you send me an autographed picture?
Simply email us your credit card number and we'll take care of the rest! We don't even need your address - we're just that good.
Do you offer tours of your studio?
You can come over and hang out in the office I guess. It's not that exciting unless you like green walls, sound boards, microphones, multiple computer monitors, pictures of celebrities on the walls...okay, it's an amazing place and magic is created here. We'd let you sit in while we record, but we can't take the risk for insurance* purposes.
*We don't have any.
Do you do anything besides the podcast?
Well obviously there's a web site since you're on it. We also produce video content for the site when we feel something will come across better visually. One prime example is our adventuresome trip through England and Scotland, which left us with six hours of footage to edit.
When will we see that footage anyway?
When the time is right and not a minute sooner, so stop bugging me about it.
I'm trying to break into "the business" and would love to learn all there is to know by interning on your show - how do I do that?
You email us at andrewandjj@gmail.com and tell us why you would make an excellent asset to our team. You tell us how good you are at making runs to Starbucks and Taco Bell, you describe what you could add to our team, you lay out your plans for an economic stimulus package, and last but not least, you describe the best way to fight vampires, ghosts and zombies in a cost-effective manner. You do all of these things, and we will consider you. If you're lucky, our intern will write back to you with our response. Unfortunately we don't have an intern, so if you can reply to yourself it would save everyone a lot of confusion.
I know you did shows from England; will you be podcasting from my hometown soon?
But you don't even know where I live?
It doesn't matter. You know that sign that hangs in expensive stores that says "If you have to ask, you can't afford it?" That's how we feel about you and your stupid town.
That wasn't a very nice thing to say.
Hollywood does that to you. Get over it.
My son/daughter/niece/nephew/hamster is turning five next month. Can you make a personal celebrity appearance at his/her/it's birthday party?
Of course, we'd be happy to! It would be an honor to help you celebrate such an important occasion in the life of your loved one.
Hahahaha! No.
Do you have hobbies outside of work?
I do magic and stand up comedy, fly planes and play drums in a band called Klum. J.J. plays poker, enjoys hiking and plays the bass. Our biggest hobby is each other. If he tells you otherwise he's a dirty liar.
The tomato plants in my yard are dying. Is there a way I can revive them?
If the soil is moist and the leaves are turning yellow, cut back on your watering. Aerating the soil will help get oxygen to the plant. A dose of Terracycle, a spray-on plant food available at Wal Mart, will also bring some life back into the leaves. Remember - feeding and watering should be done in moderation to ensure nice, ripe tomatoes.
What's in the future for the show?
Hopefully a world tour (minus your town) and a reality show. Either that or large doses of heavy drugs and daily shows from a rehab facility in Utah.
How come with all of your connections in the entertainment industry, you haven't had any A-List celebrities as guests on the show?
Well, that's all the time we have for today. Keep those questions coming and we'll get to them whenever our intern shows up to take care of it!
Hot Dogs!
As I sit here, surrounded by fans, my shirt tied up at the bottom like a 13-year old girl in the 80s trying to look "hip," I am reminded of why I moved to Los Angeles - the beach. How thankful am I for the ability to dip into the ocean and relax in the cool water when the sun inexplicably moves a thousand miles closer to the center of Los Angeles, putting the AC on overtime, the ice cream stands on full alert, and the seats on the Matterhorn so hot you could fry a Swedish person on them in under five minutes and they would be cooked to perfection? Very, very grateful.
But I live ten miles from the beach so forget that. I'll flip on the hot tub and jump in. When I get out, I will feel amaaaazing by the sudden drop in temperature. While J.J. sits in a comfortable, air conditioned office, watching money pour endlessly into his bank account while I eat frosting for lunch because GE repossessed my kitchen, I am reminded that I do have a goal here, a purpose, if you will. And that, of course, is tending to the ladies.
And by ladies I mean the dogs.
This city, believe it or not, is walking on air...I never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee. Sorry, got lost on a tangent. This city is actually quite good for animal lovers. Our first dog came to us from an animal shelter in North Hollywood - she cost us an astronomical eight dollars. Well, after the surgery once she'd been sufficiently crushed beneath the wheels of a Volkswagen in San Fernando, four-thousand and eight dollars. Moving on.
The second dog came to us from New Jersey, I think. She was a beautiful white breed of some unknown variety, though I am told she was part Dingo. She ate butter when no one was looking and sat on the sofa when everyone was looking because darn it, she was a rebel. Sadly, even the James Dean of dogs wasn't invincible, and she now roams with doggies in the sky thanks to an apparent three pack-a-day smoking habit that gave her lung cancer. We miss you, Quigley.
The final dog, Maggie, came to me from a friend in "the business." I don't wanna name drop *7th Heaven* but she *Malcom in the Middle* has a fair amount of *Walker, Texas Ranger*
acting credits, and *Full House* *Charles in Charge* *Crayola Kids Adventures: The Trojan Horse* simply didn't have the time to devote her full attention to said dog, and wanted her to go to a good home. Instead, she came here.When the fires of Hell aren't breathing down the necks of Angelenos, there is a wealth of nice areas to take your dogs. Griffith Park is spectacular, and dogs are welcome. There are a number of great dog parks also available throughout the city. If you're looking for something unique, round up the puppies, drive them out to the middle of the Mojave Desert, and let them roam free until they collapse in the sun. If your neighborhood has a local public pool, throw the dogs in for a dip after hours. If your neighbor has a pool, throw the dogs in while the neighbor is at work, that no good free loading ungrateful punk who borrowed your lawn mower and never bothered to return it and when I called him he said it had been stolen by gangsters looking for "grass." Moron.
If you're looking for that special someone and eHarmony isn't cutting it, check out the Los Angeles Animal Services website and find the perfect dog or cat for you. If you're an idiot and you like birds, keep in mind that what you're doing goes against God and He will surely smote you for doing so.
A woman finally gets what she's got coming to her and other woman almost kills her son. Oh yea, and a contest that kicks ass!
Coachella '09
Hi! J.J. Here. I thought it was relevant to post this weekend due to going to Coachella on Friday. The best time I have ever had with 25,000 people I didn't know and 5 that I did. I have a number of pictures but these that I have laid before you are my favorites.
First off, seeing the Black Keys live was amazing. These guys know how to tear it up. There is nothing more rewarding than to hear a band, love their music, and then see them live. Its like hearing it for the first time.
Second, Morrissey was entertaining, but I don't think it was for me.
To tell you the truth, I wanted to get a good spot for McCartney. Am I an A-hole for that? Come on, its a bloody Beatle...
Brandon and I were talking after the show about how different it was performing now with cell phones and digital cameras instead of just an audience. Back in the 60's people would show up to "rock out" and just have a good time. Fast forward to present day, we still like to "rock out" but we also have to show proof for some reason. (I'm guilty of it with this blog post.) We have to have the coolest picture and/or be "that guy" that calls a friend while "Hey Jude" comes on. Its human nature I guess. Either way I got some F'in good pictures of Paul.
Think about this. People of all languages know his name, love his songs, and want to be him. He can't ride the Tube any more. They have to shut it down. For being that well known, he appears very humble.
One thing I have to note, you can really tell that he misses his friends John and George. You can hear it in the song and you can definitely hear it when he speaks of them. I almost turned into a Michael Jackson fan (being a weeping girl in Japan) when he started singing a song he had wrote after John's death that was a conversation they might have had. I'm not the biggest Beatles fan, if there is someone out there that knows the song I would love to know it.
But I leave you with this. "Give Peace a Chance"
First off, seeing the Black Keys live was amazing. These guys know how to tear it up. There is nothing more rewarding than to hear a band, love their music, and then see them live. Its like hearing it for the first time.
Second, Morrissey was entertaining, but I don't think it was for me.
To tell you the truth, I wanted to get a good spot for McCartney. Am I an A-hole for that? Come on, its a bloody Beatle...
Brandon and I were talking after the show about how different it was performing now with cell phones and digital cameras instead of just an audience. Back in the 60's people would show up to "rock out" and just have a good time. Fast forward to present day, we still like to "rock out" but we also have to show proof for some reason. (I'm guilty of it with this blog post.) We have to have the coolest picture and/or be "that guy" that calls a friend while "Hey Jude" comes on. Its human nature I guess. Either way I got some F'in good pictures of Paul.
Think about this. People of all languages know his name, love his songs, and want to be him. He can't ride the Tube any more. They have to shut it down. For being that well known, he appears very humble.
One thing I have to note, you can really tell that he misses his friends John and George. You can hear it in the song and you can definitely hear it when he speaks of them. I almost turned into a Michael Jackson fan (being a weeping girl in Japan) when he started singing a song he had wrote after John's death that was a conversation they might have had. I'm not the biggest Beatles fan, if there is someone out there that knows the song I would love to know it.
But I leave you with this. "Give Peace a Chance"
This week's rental: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Rental this week is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with Steve Martin's F'in rant....Literally.
Ten Things to Become Famous
Many people ask me "J.J., how do you become famous?" And I tell them frankly, there are 10 steps to becoming famous. Yes 10, only ten.
10. Have a mental attitude that you are going to be famous. If you don't believe it, it won't happen.
9. Facebook everyone you meet. It helps. Not only does it show that you are friendly, but that people will go out of their way to click "confirm."
8. Learn a skill that has nothing to do with you being famous. If you want to be an actor learn how to sew or become a teacher. This will help when you drop out of the limelight.
7. Decide to dedicate your time as a famous person to a charity or cause. Join a group that spares the life of field mice from the slaughter of the American Bald Eagle.
This not only shows that you are caring for animals, but it leads us to step 6.
6. Do something or say something about not liking America. It works. Its free publicity from news stations and magazines. "What do you mean, J.J. doesn't like America? I have to buy his next book/see his next movie/listen to his podcast."
5. Get a drug addiction. Many if not all famous people have been on a drug of some kind. Coke and Pot are just starters. Try Valium or Oxycontin. Rush Limbaugh loves the shit and look at him. FAMOUS.
4. Break said drug habit. Do it with 12 steps...or 10 if you like ten. Buy Self-help books, go to conferences, stop using, and recover. Trust me, this will help you in not only being famous, but it will allow the press to do old stories on you. For example, "See how J.J. is off drugs and living a clean life. Remember him two years ago when he was a mess?" Then they do a 4 part mini series on your life.
3. Sell all your possessions and become homeless. You hear so many times that there was one person that "made it" after not being in possession of a roof and four walls.
2. Do something amazing in your life that allows everyone to know about it. Get bit by a shark, get a role on a television show, break the land speed record on a tricycle.
1. Stop referring to yourself as a human being and say that you believe in a higher life form that is coming back someday to take us all home. Perhaps his name could be Xenu.
10. Have a mental attitude that you are going to be famous. If you don't believe it, it won't happen.
9. Facebook everyone you meet. It helps. Not only does it show that you are friendly, but that people will go out of their way to click "confirm."
8. Learn a skill that has nothing to do with you being famous. If you want to be an actor learn how to sew or become a teacher. This will help when you drop out of the limelight.
7. Decide to dedicate your time as a famous person to a charity or cause. Join a group that spares the life of field mice from the slaughter of the American Bald Eagle.
This not only shows that you are caring for animals, but it leads us to step 6.
6. Do something or say something about not liking America. It works. Its free publicity from news stations and magazines. "What do you mean, J.J. doesn't like America? I have to buy his next book/see his next movie/listen to his podcast."
5. Get a drug addiction. Many if not all famous people have been on a drug of some kind. Coke and Pot are just starters. Try Valium or Oxycontin. Rush Limbaugh loves the shit and look at him. FAMOUS.
4. Break said drug habit. Do it with 12 steps...or 10 if you like ten. Buy Self-help books, go to conferences, stop using, and recover. Trust me, this will help you in not only being famous, but it will allow the press to do old stories on you. For example, "See how J.J. is off drugs and living a clean life. Remember him two years ago when he was a mess?" Then they do a 4 part mini series on your life.
3. Sell all your possessions and become homeless. You hear so many times that there was one person that "made it" after not being in possession of a roof and four walls.
2. Do something amazing in your life that allows everyone to know about it. Get bit by a shark, get a role on a television show, break the land speed record on a tricycle.
1. Stop referring to yourself as a human being and say that you believe in a higher life form that is coming back someday to take us all home. Perhaps his name could be Xenu.
Mind The Gap
A and J mind the gap and go over other rad voice over work that Emma Clarke has done.
Go see Liz perform at the 2nd Street Jazz on the 20th at 9:30pm.
Go see Liz perform at the 2nd Street Jazz on the 20th at 9:30pm.
Twit or not to Twit?
A and J weigh the advantages and disadvantages of Twitter and clear up safety issues in Canada.
Danny Devito's Lemonade Obsession
A and J talk with Liz from The Productive Cough about the infamous Indian Buffet.
Here Versus There: The Road to Indecision
As J.J. and I wearily stared out the airplane window yesterday afternoon, the brown haze of Los Angeles gradually replaced the blue skies we'd been rocketing through for the last ten hours, and with that we knew our journey to Europe was really at an end. It was bittersweet; coming home is always like that. We were leaving England behind, and the ridiculous ways of the British and their crazy spelling, strange food and odd accents. While it was different, it was a nice escape from the hectic Los Angeles life.
Would we be better off if we were doing our show overseas? Of course we discussed it. The nice thing about what we do is we can do it anywhere. We did the show on an airplane for cryin' out loud. We did it on trains, in pubs, and walking across the Tower Bridge in the pouring rain on a Saturday night. It's mobile, and in that way we can give you, the listener, the same experience, whether or not we're in the same time zone.
Would we be better off if we were doing our show overseas? Of course we discussed it. The nice thing about what we do is we can do it anywhere. We did the show on an airplane for cryin' out loud. We did it on trains, in pubs, and walking across the Tower Bridge in the pouring rain on a Saturday night. It's mobile, and in that way we can give you, the listener, the same experience, whether or not we're in the same time zone.
One distinction we made between Los Angeles and Britain was the ability to approach random people and talk to them. We did this with Elaine and her posse on a train returning from Edinburgh. J.J., in a surprising show of confidence, ran through the rain on a bridge to interview three drunk Germans. The frivolous nature of it all made it exciting because it was unexpected. Now if we were to attempt the same thing here in the states, we might be greeted with guns, knives, or even throwing stars if we were in China Town. Are those Chinese? I think so.
On the other hand, L.A. is familiar. We know where to go (Burbank) and where to avoid going (anywhere outside of Burbank,) we know what the traffic is like (just stay home, it's easier,) we know the weather (three days of rain, 362 days of boiling sunshine and temperatures so hot you could set a pan of raw cake mix on your front lawn at 3 AM and be blowing out the candles by 3:05.) And, of course, work is here. I know what you're thinking. 'Andrew,' you're saying to yourself, 'you are unemployed. What difference does work make?' To you I say, 'pipe down, you sound like my mother trying to convince me to move back home and live in the basement.' Why she would stamp her parenting skills a success when her grown son is living in the basement is beyond me. Mom, if you're reading this, send money.
What's the future of the show? Who knows. Maybe it's L.A. Maybe it's Europe. Maybe, assuming my letter to NASA goes answered, it's the Andrew and J.J. pod on the International Space Station. Regardless of where we end up with this crazy experiment, just know we'll always be doing it for you. And you. Not so much you because you're kind of annoying and I don't really care what you think, but we're doing it for your friend so tell her.
I've lost track of what I was saying. I'm going to take my segue for a ride down at the beach. You can't do that in England. Then again it's impossible to look cool on a segue in the first place, which is why no one in England is dumb enough to own one.
This Week!?!?!?!?!?!
When we get back from London, we will be having Liz from
The Productive Cough on the show with our musical guest.....wait we don't have a musical guest....or do we?
The Productive Cough on the show with our musical guest.....wait we don't have a musical guest....or do we?
On the Bridge....The Tower Bridge that is.
A and J walk over the Tower Bridge in London in the pouring rain. Who knew that London had rain?
Tube Talk, Endangered Animal Menu, and Navigating the Puzzle that is the London Transportation System
A and J get lost on "the tube" with Helena and start fighting because of it.
Cardboard boxes, a dead mayor, and going to London.
A and J speak out on the issues that are disturbing Missouri citizens and about their fear of cardboard boxes.
I have to say, I love this F'in show. They blow stuff up and it makes me happy. Well, guess what? They have it in England. The only thing that is different is the voice over. Its in "proper English." Its not the American version.
I have found that they do that quite a bit of US shows and commercials. The show will be exactly the same, but there will be little changes here and there. Its been a pleasureable watching experience. It keeps me on my toes.
Other things that are different here in England.
1. American potato chips are called crisps.
2. Chips are actually French Fries.
3. French Fries don't exist because the English still continue to hate the French and can't give us a plain answer. At least England and America can agree on at least one thing.
4. Axe body spray...called Lynx here.
5. The English need crumpets running through their blood streams to live. This also pertains to tea.
6. Aldi's (The grocery store) doesn't smell here. It smells glorious.
7. The English are not scared of deer running across the road like many of Americans in rural areas.
8. England has flying cars.....yea I know.
9. Things are cheaper here....but they are in pounds....which are more expensive than dollars....its very confusing.
10. Time here goes slower and its lovely.
These are only a few things that I have found that are different.
p.s. I heard an English lady say to her daughter yesterday "Alright Love, lets go!" It was incredible.
I have found that they do that quite a bit of US shows and commercials. The show will be exactly the same, but there will be little changes here and there. Its been a pleasureable watching experience. It keeps me on my toes.
Other things that are different here in England.
1. American potato chips are called crisps.
2. Chips are actually French Fries.
3. French Fries don't exist because the English still continue to hate the French and can't give us a plain answer. At least England and America can agree on at least one thing.
4. Axe body spray...called Lynx here.
5. The English need crumpets running through their blood streams to live. This also pertains to tea.
6. Aldi's (The grocery store) doesn't smell here. It smells glorious.
7. The English are not scared of deer running across the road like many of Americans in rural areas.
8. England has flying cars.....yea I know.
9. Things are cheaper here....but they are in pounds....which are more expensive than dollars....its very confusing.
10. Time here goes slower and its lovely.
These are only a few things that I have found that are different.
p.s. I heard an English lady say to her daughter yesterday "Alright Love, lets go!" It was incredible.
Brownies, British Kitchens, and Deadly Grannies
A and J watch brownies bake and give warning to Grandmothers across the world.
Making Meth
Wait, What Day Is It?
The most amazing thing has happened in England!
J.J. and I have achieved the impossible, what only Marty McFly, The Doc, Einstein, Biff, Clara and the kids, and for a few moments Jennifer the Girlfriend could really accomplish - we traveled through time! As I sit here in the future at 11:06 in the morning, I wonder to myself what I've missed, what's going on in Los Angeles, which, of course, is located in the past at 3:06 AM on the same day. What are people doing? What are they eating? Who is President? Does Madonna have any idea she won't get to keep that kid she found at the zoo in Africa? Oh how I wish I had my copy of Gray's Sports Almanic with me...even though it would be useless since I would have to travel back in time in order for it to be effective.
I have to wonder what would happen if the entire world used the same clock. Technically, the time in England right now is the "correct" time, Greenwich Mean Time, which falls through the "center" of the world, located in Greenwich England which is just outside of London. How they decided it was the center is a mystery to me. In fact, who "they" is remains a mystery as well, but they clearly had power and calculators in order to come up with this decision.
If the whole world were on the same time, things would be amazing. There would be no war, homeless people would never be homeless, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson wouldn't fight so much, and all would be right because we would all be on the same page. Some people would live without ever seeing the sun; 2 AM and dark in Florida would be 2 AM and daytime in Spain. The "9 to 5" term would only apply in a small section of the world, while some of us would sleep from 9 AM to 5 PM and not be considered lazy. Just tired. And living on the other side of the world no less.
Now as a pilot, I do feel the need to insert one piece of information here, which is that those of us that fly use something called Zulu time, which actually IS the same all over the world. 1300 Zulu in Texas falls at the exact same time as 1300 Zulu in Switzerland. It's confusing and I won't go into detail because I never bothered to master it myself because I come from America, which despite all that Greenwich mess really IS the Center Of the Universe for obvious reasons. But I will tell you that this whole time traveling thing has really made us appreciate all of the advances in the future, and that was the point of this whole thing to begin with.
J.J. and I boarded American #136 thinking we were just flying to Great Britain, but instead we flew to Great Britain, flipped on the Flux Capacitor, crossed the space-time continuum, and landed in the future. And in the future, people drive on the other side of the road, they talk funny, and they live in a fairy tale world run by a "queen." God only knows what's coming next.
J.J. and I have achieved the impossible, what only Marty McFly, The Doc, Einstein, Biff, Clara and the kids, and for a few moments Jennifer the Girlfriend could really accomplish - we traveled through time! As I sit here in the future at 11:06 in the morning, I wonder to myself what I've missed, what's going on in Los Angeles, which, of course, is located in the past at 3:06 AM on the same day. What are people doing? What are they eating? Who is President? Does Madonna have any idea she won't get to keep that kid she found at the zoo in Africa? Oh how I wish I had my copy of Gray's Sports Almanic with me...even though it would be useless since I would have to travel back in time in order for it to be effective.
I have to wonder what would happen if the entire world used the same clock. Technically, the time in England right now is the "correct" time, Greenwich Mean Time, which falls through the "center" of the world, located in Greenwich England which is just outside of London. How they decided it was the center is a mystery to me. In fact, who "they" is remains a mystery as well, but they clearly had power and calculators in order to come up with this decision.
If the whole world were on the same time, things would be amazing. There would be no war, homeless people would never be homeless, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson wouldn't fight so much, and all would be right because we would all be on the same page. Some people would live without ever seeing the sun; 2 AM and dark in Florida would be 2 AM and daytime in Spain. The "9 to 5" term would only apply in a small section of the world, while some of us would sleep from 9 AM to 5 PM and not be considered lazy. Just tired. And living on the other side of the world no less.
Now as a pilot, I do feel the need to insert one piece of information here, which is that those of us that fly use something called Zulu time, which actually IS the same all over the world. 1300 Zulu in Texas falls at the exact same time as 1300 Zulu in Switzerland. It's confusing and I won't go into detail because I never bothered to master it myself because I come from America, which despite all that Greenwich mess really IS the Center Of the Universe for obvious reasons. But I will tell you that this whole time traveling thing has really made us appreciate all of the advances in the future, and that was the point of this whole thing to begin with.
J.J. and I boarded American #136 thinking we were just flying to Great Britain, but instead we flew to Great Britain, flipped on the Flux Capacitor, crossed the space-time continuum, and landed in the future. And in the future, people drive on the other side of the road, they talk funny, and they live in a fairy tale world run by a "queen." God only knows what's coming next.
Curry with Elaine
A and J meet up with their new friend from the train and her husband for some curry.
Hop and Grape Store
Edinburgh, A piper named Archie, and multiple pubs.
A and J visit Scotland...what else do you want us to say?
Castle, Hitting Andrew with a Sword, and Moving to England
A and J visit Harry Potter and start hating one another.
New Castle, A Boat That Rocked, and Swearing on the Tele
A and J tell of their adventure to New Castle and the English movie about historical podcasting....or what they used to call "Radio."
English Pubs, English Women, and American English
A and J come back from Weatherspoons in Hexham and speak of the crazy thing that happened to them....which was nothing really.
England Pics Round 2
England Pics Round 1
J.J. looking like Nick Nolte after being told he had to check his bag and could only carry on his....this fanny pack.
The momentos occasion we invented called "EXTREME PODCASTING!"
Andrew's food tray. Tonights special: A Raw Potato!
J.J. didn't have the heart to tell him that he was playing with the fake money called "Pounds."
J.J. playing Battleship with the Captain.
This appears that we didn't leave. Come on, it looks like we made that set. Especially with the "extra" to the right.
So....We are apparently going to jail.
Thanks Catherine.
Thanks Catherine.
See here they come.
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