Wait, What Day Is It?

The most amazing thing has happened in England!

J.J. and I have achieved the impossible, what only Marty McFly, The Doc, Einstein, Biff, Clara and the kids, and for a few moments Jennifer the Girlfriend could really accomplish - we traveled through time! As I sit here in the future at 11:06 in the morning, I wonder to myself what I've missed, what's going on in Los Angeles, which, of course, is located in the past at 3:06 AM on the same day. What are people doing? What are they eating? Who is President? Does Madonna have any idea she won't get to keep that kid she found at the zoo in Africa? Oh how I wish I had my copy of Gray's Sports Almanic with me...even though it would be useless since I would have to travel back in time in order for it to be effective.

I have to wonder what would happen if the entire world used the same clock. Technically, the time in England right now is the "correct" time, Greenwich Mean Time, which falls through the "center" of the world, located in Greenwich England which is just outside of London. How they decided it was the center is a mystery to me. In fact, who "they" is remains a mystery as well, but they clearly had power and calculators in order to come up with this decision.

If the whole world were on the same time, things would be amazing. There would be no war, homeless people would never be homeless, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson wouldn't fight so much, and all would be right because we would all be on the same page. Some people would live without ever seeing the sun; 2 AM and dark in Florida would be 2 AM and daytime in Spain. The "9 to 5" term would only apply in a small section of the world, while some of us would sleep from 9 AM to 5 PM and not be considered lazy. Just tired. And living on the other side of the world no less.

Now as a pilot, I do feel the need to insert one piece of information here, which is that those of us that fly use something called Zulu time, which actually IS the same all over the world. 1300 Zulu in Texas falls at the exact same time as 1300 Zulu in Switzerland. It's confusing and I won't go into detail because I never bothered to master it myself because I come from America, which despite all that Greenwich mess really IS the Center Of the Universe for obvious reasons. But I will tell you that this whole time traveling thing has really made us appreciate all of the advances in the future, and that was the point of this whole thing to begin with.

J.J. and I boarded American #136 thinking we were just flying to Great Britain, but instead we flew to Great Britain, flipped on the Flux Capacitor, crossed the space-time continuum, and landed in the future. And in the future, people drive on the other side of the road, they talk funny, and they live in a fairy tale world run by a "queen." God only knows what's coming next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I laughed.

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