Leave the news to:
A) A-Rod's possible steroid addiction
B) How Earthquakes in Southern California might kill us
C) President Bush is out of office, what is he doing with his
spare time?
I know that it might sound like I don't care about the swine flu killing me....its because I don't care. I look at it this way, I wash my hands after I use the restroom and I take a shower every day. I eat some what okay, and I don't drink myself stupid too much in one week. If God, wants to take me out with a killer swine flu mutation, then so be it. I would be willing to go out by choking on a large chocolate shake.....because they are delicious.
What I am really saying is, don't be scared over something that you can't control. You can't control if you get the swine flu. You can only do the small things to put yourself at a lower risk. Thats it! So stop listening to the people on the news that are frightening you and go eat an orange....or better yet, don't. You might get the orange flu. I hear its a real bitch this time of year.
Don't listen to me, my name is J.J. I could be wrong.
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