It's A Work In Progress

Have you ever tried to run an Internet radio show where the hosts were on opposite ends of the world, in completely different time zones, doing entirely different things? Well that's what we're doing. Ironically, as I write this, we are actually in the SAME time zone, yet still 1100 miles apart and super busy. It's all quite complicated really.

That said, we don't want you to think that we've forgotten about you. We haven't. This isn't your fault. Sometimes, a mommy and a daddy just need some space to do their own thing for a little while. Otherwise, mommy might strangle daddy, and then daddy might have to hit mommy at the dinner table, and that would be awkward for you, our children.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Need some space? They just HAD space. They had SEVEN MONTHS of space." Yes, yes we did. But we're still perfecting the formula. We're going to bring you some more awesome guests, we have more ridiculous things to discuss, and we don't want to get you too excited, but this coming year may very well include some more PubCasts, as well as a few other especially awesome locations throughout the globe. If the words Guinness Factory or Eiffel Tower intrigue you, stay tuned in the coming months.

We thank you, our loyal listeners, all three of you, for your continued interest in our little project. Mommy and daddy love you.

Andrew and J.J.

The Other Tom Ryan Rerun

It's December of 2009, and Tom Ryan talks with the guys about his next Letterman gig on December 21st, 2012.

The Tom Ryan Rerun

We go way back to December of 2009 and revisit the guys as Andrew and J.J. talk with Tom Ryan about LA, New York and the "Cable Guy."

The Rest Of the Romi Rerun

Romi pleads with the guys to get her into the Teen Choice Awards after not receiving an invite; The guys fail miserably.

Rejection Pictures, Images and Photos

The Romi Rerun

Romi Dames talks about starring on Hannah Montana, probability with Bill Nye, and growing up in Japan.

J.J.'s First Standup Routine

Live in North Hollywood!

Andrew raves about Lucky Charms as J.J. prepares for his stand up gig in North Hollywood.

Some Things You Should Know....

We here at Andrew and J.J. want to give back to the world. We do this by helping others. Here are a few suggestions:

Our friend Craig Sklenar wants to live in a museum for a month. We don't know why, but it sounds better than living in a gas station bathroom or Lindsay Lohan's medicine cabinet, so visit his fan page here and support his weird cause.

Okay, enough about others. We have our own stuff to plug as well, like J.J.'s first stand up comedy gig at the Haha Cafe in North Hollywood this Thursday, August 26th at precisely about 7:30pm. We love the Haha. Check them out here!

And finally, given his love for Lucky Charms, let's show our love to the folks at General Mills, who made it possible for J.J. to eat nothing but Lucky Charms for days on end. Check out the video and relive the memories.

Scamming the Scammers

Andrew shares his new hobby - extorting time and money from helpless African email scammers.

Joe Fraley performing "Perfect Strangers"

This is from Tuesday's and if you loved "Perfect Strangers" you'll love this!

What's That About Armageddon?

Joe Fraley from King Devil joins the guys in studio as they discuss armageddon, fallout shelters and a few choice emails from listeners.

How to Smuggle Heroin

The guys chat with Joe Fraley from King Devil, and Andrew offers up advice to would-be prisoners.

Where's Duluth, and Who Cares?

Andrew makes a plea to return to the states for his high school reunion, and the guys give a 6-year old advice on how to score babes.

Bring Zuber Home!

Who is Zuber, you ask? And why do we want to bring him home?
Well, I'M Zuber, thanks for paying attention. And my ten year high school reunion is quickly approaching. September 11th, in fact. I have been asked ever so kindly to make an appearance, and would LOVE to do so if it weren't for the pesky detail of having to cross the Atlantic, as well as most of America, in order to get there.

That said, there is a campaign in full swing, and I'd love YOU to help me out! By clicking the link below, you can order your very own, custom made Bring Zuber Home t-shirt. These babies are in limited quantities and are made of the high quality shirt-related material money can buy on the black market in Chinatown.

All of the contact and ordering information is here!
If you have questions, email us at!

Many thanks. I love you. Seriously, I do.

A Triumphant Return. Kinda.

Andrew and J.J. return to the air after a 7-month hiatus, of which they have no excuse for. The guys discuss their own personal bucket lists, answer a few listener emails, and discuss their new long distance arrangement.

One More Day!

Official Press Release:

After months of speculation, tabloid rumors and ugly legal battles, Andrew and J.J. have announced that they will officially return to the airwaves (okay, the Internet, whatever) this week. The guys have been hard at work in their respective studios, assembling the most average podcast one could imagine.
"We want it to feel like we never left," Geiger shouted to reporters as he was spotted leaving Spearmint Rhino in Van Nuys late last week.
"It'll be just as crummy a show as it ever was."
Rumor had it that the show wouldn't return due to Zuber's move to the United Kingdom, though their fictional publicist claims that was never the case, saying the two handsome hosts were waiting for the right time to return to work, as well as for Zuber's Internet bill to be paid.
When asked what the complications were of producing a show when the hosts are 5,500 miles apart, Zuber told the BBC, "I miss peanut butter." No one has been able to make any sense of the statement, but it has been assumed that he was referring to the lack of the creamy, tasty peanut spread in many European countries.
While nothing has been confirmed by production staff, a source close to the dashingly gorgeous hosts says that a revamped schedule will include new features that allow listener feedback, as well as a lengthier show to allow for more banter.
"Basically they want to waste more time because neither one of them has lives," the source said.
"It's really very pathetic."
No announcement has been made regarding the title of the show, which is still being billed as Ten Minutes with Andrew and J.J., despite the change in program length. J.J.s mom, who has asked to remain anonymous because she hasn't been authorized to speak on the matter, claims that the title will remain the same because "those two are too lazy and incompetent to do anything about it."
The show has resumed production and returns to the air Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting this coming Tuesday, August 10th in a new, sexier 20 minute format.

Sorry...Not Done Yet

Hello followers...may I call you followers? Good.
I just wanted to inform you that we have been picked up internationally! All it took was one of us moving to another far as we're concerned that's international enough. Now I know what you're thinking...the Internet is everywhere. You could be followed on the International Space Station if an astronaut had that kind of time on his hands. Well, you're right. We have no argument for that. So let's just move on.
The show will be returning to the air next week and we would love your questions, comments, feedback, gardening tips, suggestions on how to cap an oil spill under water, that we may address it on the show and give you, the listener, what you, the listener, wants, which is to hear about you, the listener. Am I making sense? Good.
We look forward to putting you to sleep on your way to work again soon...and thanks for sticking by us. God knows our parents didn't.

Andrew and J.J.

Apparently People Love My Misery

Hello to everyone!

Things have been very rocky here at Andrew has been lost across America, and I have been traveling through time. Hopefully we will be able to tell you where and when, sooner than later. BUT for now, I'd like to present to you a blog post that we were mentioned. Good Day!