J.J.'s First Impressions

My first impressions of England have been very overwhelming. There is so much to take in. First off, the words that Americans use are completely wrong. Well, at least the English have different terms for things such as stove, trash, and truck. So if someone were to say that "Someone stole my truck and threw trash into my stove." It would be said as follows in "real" English: "Someone stole my sister Lori, and threw rubbish in my Hob." WTF does that mean really?

Secondly, Pounds are stupid. Prices are lower, but at the same time they are higher? Something that is 7 pounds is 300 in American dollars? Also, the coins used look like quarters and nickels but are called 20 pence or 5 pence. What the hell is a pence? Six pence none the richer...now makes sense to me...sort of.

Well, its almost 1 at night here in England and apparently 5pm in LA. I'm tired because I have only about 4 hours of sleep in two days. So here are a few pictures that you might enjoy.

p.s. did you know that they have daylight savings over here too? The time here is the "actual" time called "Greenwich Mean Time." I'm so confused.

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